Blogs, Resources and Organic Remedies about Organic Oral Care

9 Weird and Wonderful Things You Didn’t Know About Your Mouth!

9 Weird and Wonderful Things You Didn’t Know About Your Mouth!

Your mouth is one of the most fascinating parts of your body—it helps you eat, speak, and express emotions through your smile. But beyond the basics, your mouth holds some incredible secrets that might just surprise you!

From the superpowers hidden in your saliva to the fact that your teeth are completely unique, this list of 9 weird and wonderful oral health facts will make you see your mouth in a whole new way.

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peppermint oil for teeth

21 Every Day Uses of PEPPERMINT Essential oil

Peppermint oil is one of the most versatile essential oils you will find. Its wide range of healing abilities makes it a favorite. Tons of research has shown and continues to show its great benefits. Peppermint oil is a versatile oil that can help with various problems. Its main component, called menthol, has been found to be useful for:

  • Digestion
  • Fighting infections
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Easing tiredness
  • Soothing sore muscles
  • Clearing congestion
  • Dealing with allergies
  • Easing headaches
  • Freshening breath
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biodegradable soap

Is Soap Biodegradable? Unveiling the Environmental Impact of Our Cleansing Companion

Soap, an essential part of our daily cleansing routine, plays a significant role in maintaining personal hygiene. However, as environmental concerns continue to mount, questions arise about the biodegradability of soap and its potential impact on our planet. Lets explore everything about biodegradable soaps and how they break down naturally without harming the environment.
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A Brief Guide To Using Essential Oils For  Healthy Teeth & Gums

A Brief Guide To Using Essential Oils For Healthy Teeth & Gums

Prevention is always better when it comes to maintaining good oral health and avoiding costly visits to the dentist. Taking a proactive approach to dental hygiene can save you a considerable amount of time, energy, and money in the long run. 

Using essential oils is an efficient way to get the most out of your daily brushing routine. With just a few simple items, some basic know-how, and essential oil application techniques, you can have healthier gums and a brighter smile in no time. 

Here’s what you need to know about using essential oils for healthy teeth & gums. 

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The Shocking Truth About Fluoride: 6 Negative Effects of Human Consumption

Fluoride is a mineral that is commonly found in nature and also added to public water supplies, toothpaste, and mouthwash. While it is often touted as a way to prevent dental decay, recent studies have cast a shadow over the safety of fluoride consumption.  The good news is that natural, remineralizing toothpaste and organic mouthwash provide an effective alternative without the risks associated with fluoride.
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how often to floss

Is it ok to use dental floss everyday?

Yes, it is perfectly safe to use dental floss every day. Dental professionals often recommend flossing as a way to keep your teeth clean and guard against plaque and tartar buildup. Floss can reach into areas where a toothbrush doesn’t easily fit. Daily flossing is a smart addition to your oral care routine.

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Can Wisdom Teeth Cause A Sore Throat? What You Need To Know

Can Wisdom Teeth Cause A Sore Throat? What You Need To Know

Wisdom teeth can cause health problems when they become impacted, infected, or abscessed. You may ask if wisdom teeth can cause a sore throat. We'll discuss what you need to do regarding treating infected wisdom teeth and related health issues.
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remedies for gingivitis

7 Effective Home Remedies for Gingivitis

Gingivitis is a common oral health problem that can inflame the gums and lead to tooth decay. If left untreated, it can even lead to more severe health problems. Fortunately, many home remedies for gingivitis involve using herbs and minerals with anti-inflammatory properties.

Note that these remedies are no substitution for medical care. If you are experiencing severe gingivitis, it is best to consult a dentist to determine the best course of treatment.

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3 Steps To Get Rid Of A Tooth Abscess Naturally

3 Steps to get rid of a tooth abscess naturally

Tooth abscesses are among the most common oral health problems that people experience. They are caused by bacteria entering the mouth and infecting the tissues around a tooth. A tooth abscess is a pocket of pus in the jawbone or gums around an infected tooth. This pus drains out of the gum tissue, creating a painful sore that requires treatment.
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oregano oil for teeth

Benefits of Oregano Oil for Teeth and Oral Health

What Is Oregano Oil?

Oregano essential oil is derived from the oregano plant. The plant's powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial properties make it a valuable cooking and health product. The ability of oregano essential oil to support oral health has been studied. People who took a fixed combination of essential oregano, rosemary, and thyme essential oil, as well as ginger extract, had better gum health.

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7 Ways To Reduce Toothache Naturally

 Most people will experience a toothache at some point in their life. While many over-the-counter medications can provide relief, they often have unwanted side effects. Potential side effects include drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, headaches, dry mouth, and constipation. For this reason, we recommend the following seven ways to reduce toothache naturally. 
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travel with organic toothpaste

6 Tips To Take Care Of Your Teeth While Traveling

Did you know that oral health is just as important on the go? Traveling sometimes allows people to fall into bad habits. That is why we have these seven tips to take care of your teeth while traveling.

How Domestic Vs. International Travel Affects Oral Hygiene

On a domestic trip, you can probably get away with brushing your teeth once a day and maybe using a water flosser. But if you’re traveling internationally, you’ll need to be more diligent about oral care since the water quality can vary depending on the area. 

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