Blogs, Resources and Organic Remedies about Organic Oral Care

organic mouthwash

6 Reasons To Use Natural Mouthwash

When most people picture a mouthwash, they think of an astringent, minty-smelling liquid that kills all bacteria on contact. However, the reality is that there are actually a lot of other mouthwash styles. Natural mouthwashes use gentle, plant-based ingredients to clean the mouth without requiring harsh chemicals. If you’ve ever wondered, “why should I buy a natural mouthwash,” keep reading. Our guide will explain all the essential benefits of using a natural mouthwash.

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What Is a Food Trap? How To Deal With a Stuck Food in Teeth?

What Is a Food Trap? How To Deal With a Stuck Food in Teeth?

Practicing good oral hygiene is important for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. It can also improve your overall health. However, it’s normal to sometimes have what’s known as a food trap. Knowing what this is and how to deal with it is essential.

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dental tips for smokers

5 Dental Care Tips For Smokers

Each day, the typical tobacco user consumes somewhere between 10 to 19 cigarettes. Though smoking might feel enjoyable, it does take a toll on the body. Understanding how smoking impacts your oral health can help you take better care of your teeth.

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10  Materials That Have The Longest Biodegradation Time

10 Materials That Have The Longest Biodegradation Time

The type of products that you buy can make climate change worse. That’s because some materials can take years to degrade in landfills. When they do degrade, they release harmful toxins into the soil and into the air. The problem with growing landfills is that more space is needed for humans to put their trash. That means more habitat destruction, fewer trees to soak up carbon dioxide, and more threats to local wildlife. Here are a few materials that have the longest biodegradation time.

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man toothpaste

Toothpaste For Men: Does It Really Matter or Is It Just Marketing?

There are many different products marketed toward men. Some common examples include deodorant, cologne and even toothpaste. However, a lot of marketing is deceiving and unnecessary as you can make your own decision on the toothpaste that’s best for your needs. Looking at how it’s made and the ingredients should be enough.

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recycling tips

7 Recycling Tips For Daily Life

Everyone knows that recycling is good for the environment, but few people know how it really works. For example, did you know that only certain types of plastics are recyclable? Or that you might have to prepare your recyclables in specific ways? Don’t worry, it’s not as confusing as it sounds! To recycle properly, all you need to do is follow these easy tips!

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home composting

How To Compost at Home? 5 Composting Tips

Composting provides a way to dispose of your waste without harming the environment. When you compost, your garbage stays out of landfills and instead helps create earth-friendly organic material.

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7 Fun Facts About Your Teeth That Will Make You Smile

We all know that our teeth help us chew and speak; they also make us look charming and attractive by beautifying our smiles. But how much do we actually know about our teeth? Here are 7 interesting facts about your teeth that are bound to make you smile!

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What Are Toothbrush Bristles Made Of?

What Are Toothbrush Bristles Made Of?

Some people have in their minds, what are toothbrushes made of question. One common mistake is using the wrong toothbrush that is made of the wrong material. It’s equally important to know what toothbrushes are made of and how to select the right type. While there are many cheap plastic options available, they aren’t good to use on a regular basis. A bamboo toothbrush is eco-friendly and much better for your health.

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what happens in our mouth

What Happens in Our Mouth Through a Day

You might not pay much attention to what goes on in your mouth throughout the day. Even still, it’s a place of busy activity from morning until night. The more you know about what goes on in there, the better equipped you’ll be for keeping your smile sparklingly fresh all day long.

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types of teeth

The 5 Types of Teeth

Did you know that the 32 different teeth in your mouth come in all shapes and sizes? The various tooth types help you to properly eat food, but it’s important to remember that each one has its own maintenance needs. Keep reading to learn all about the different types of teeth and see how you should clean them.

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What Is Homeopathy

What Is Homeopathy? How Can It Help To Sensitive Teeth?

Sensitive teeth can ruin your life. It makes it difficult to eat and enjoy certain beverages. There are several different ways to treat sensitive teeth. Some are more effective than others. One of those methods is homeopathy. Here’s what you need to know about sensitive teeth and homeopathy.

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