The 5 Types of Teeth
Did you know that the 32 different teeth in your mouth come in all shapes and sizes? The various tooth types help you to properly eat food, but it’s important to remember that each one has its own maintenance needs. Keep reading to learn all about the different types of teeth and see how you should clean them.

Your incisors help you to take bites out of the firm, crunchy foods. These are the most prominent and immediately noticeable teeth. They are the four teeth located in the middle of your upper and lower jaw, so you have eight incisor teeth.
How to clean incisor teeth?
Due to their prominent position, it’s important to avoid staining on these teeth if you want a bright smile. Consider using a whitening toothpaste that is formulated to lift stains gently. Most of the surface of an incisor is on the front and back, so concentrate on brushing these areas.

Canines are the pointed teeth on either side of your incisors. You have four canines altogether. The pointed shape helps to rip apart tougher foods.
How to clean canine teeth?
Since canine teeth rip and tear, they are the spots where food is most likely to get stuck. Pay special attention to flossing around these areas each day.

The premolars are situated in between the canines and true molars. You have eight premolars altogether with two on either side of the upper and lower jaw. These versatile teeth both chew and grind food for you.
How to clean premolar teeth?
Premolar teeth have a unique shape, with a flat yet dented top. Make sure to focus on brushing the tops of these sets of teeth, since it’s easy for gummy, gooey foods to get stuck in the small indentations.

Your molars are flat teeth at the back of your mouth. You have two on each side of each jaw, so you have eight total. The flat shape of the molars helps to grind food up into tiny particles that you can swallow with ease.
How to clean molar teeth?
Most people focus on brushing the tops of molars, which is certainly important, but plaque can also build up along the gumline. You need to remember to brush the sides and bottom edges of the molar teeth thoroughly. Depending on the shape of your mouth, this can be tricky. Soft bristles make this easier since they reach more space because of its flexibility.
Third Molars

Also called the wisdom teeth, these are a set of molars that erupt later in life. There is one molar on both ends of both rows of teeth, resulting in four altogether. They provide additional chewing power, but many people get their third molars removed due to a lack of space in the jaw.
How to clean third molar teeth?
It’s important to pay close attention to these teeth. If they are crowded, they might not erupt fully, so it’s easy for food particles to get trapped under the gum.
With these care tips, it’s easy to keep all types of teeth in great shape. In addition to regular care at home with natural products, make sure to schedule cleanings with a dentist at least twice a year. This deep cleaning keeps your smile looking bright and sparkling. Beware some dental offices apply fluoride at the end, this harmful chemical can linger in your system for 7 years.