How To Compost at Home? 5 Composting Tips
Composting provides a way to dispose of your waste without harming the environment. When you compost, your garbage stays out of landfills and instead helps create earth-friendly organic material.
Do You Know That You Can Compost At Home?
Commercial composting isn’t available everywhere, but you can compost right at home. When you maintain your own compost pile, you’ll be the one to benefit from the rich organic fertilizer that it produces. Plus, you’ll feel good knowing that you’re doing your part to reduce your family’s carbon footprint.
Composting Tips to Use At Home
Composting at home isn’t hard once you learn how to do it. The following tips can help you get started.
Tip #1: Have the Right Supplies
To create and maintain a home compost pile, it’s helpful to have an assortment of tools. First of all, you’ll probably want a bin. While it’s possible to just have a pile in your yard, a bin may look nicer and is easier to insulate during the cold months. You can build a bin or buy a premade one. Other useful supplies include a shovel, a pitchfork and a hose sprayer.
Tip #2: Know Your Ratios
The trick to composting is to maintain the correct ratio of browns to greens. Browns are considered dry materials like dead leaves, cardboard scraps and wood bits. These items are a valuable source of carbon for your pile. Greens are thought of as wet items; most food scraps, as well as fresh plant material, fall into this category. They provide nitrogen for the mix. In general, you should aim for a 50/50 split between browns and greens. When adding materials, put the browns under the greens.
Tip #3: Learn What to Compost
Most fruit and veggie scraps can go in your pile. The same goes for yard waste, but you should trim sticks and other large items so they’re smaller than 12 inches. Eggshells, coffee grounds, newspapers and egg cartons are other good choices. Stay away from composting meat or dairy products since they may attract critters. More useful information on household waste here.
Tip #4: Tend Your Pile
Your compost pile needs to stay moist, so spray it now and then with the hose. The goal is for it to be damp but not soggy. You should also use the pitchfork to turn the material regularly. This promotes good airflow that leads to decomposition. A well-tended compost pile may produce useable organic material within two months to a year.
Tip #5: Try Indoor Composting
Even if you don’t have yard space, you don’t have to rule out the idea of a home compost pile. You can buy or make a bin that allows you to compost indoors. Either aerobic composting or worm composting, also known as vermicomposting, are options for indoor use.
Lucky Teeth’s Compostable Products
Your home compost collection isn’t just for food scraps. With Lucky Teeth, you can also compost your oral care products. Our selection includes bamboo toothbrushes and reusable flossers that will break down in your home compost pile. Even some of our dental flosses can be composted at home. With these products, you can care for the earth while also caring for your teeth.
Ready To Start Composting?
Give home composting a try! You’ll soon feel like an old pro at it. Whether your compost pile includes yard waste, food scraps or bamboo toothbrushes, you’ll be pleased with your efforts to care for the earth through composting.