Blogs, Resources and Organic Remedies about Organic Oral Care / Healthy teeth

how often to floss

Is it ok to use dental floss everyday?

Yes, it is perfectly safe to use dental floss every day. Dental professionals often recommend flossing as a way to keep your teeth clean and guard against plaque and tartar buildup. Floss can reach into areas where a toothbrush doesn’t easily fit. Daily flossing is a smart addition to your oral care routine.

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3 Steps To Get Rid Of A Tooth Abscess Naturally

3 Steps to get rid of a tooth abscess naturally

Tooth abscesses are among the most common oral health problems that people experience. They are caused by bacteria entering the mouth and infecting the tissues around a tooth. A tooth abscess is a pocket of pus in the jawbone or gums around an infected tooth. This pus drains out of the gum tissue, creating a painful sore that requires treatment.
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teeth bonding

Teeth Bonding: How To Care For Bonded Teeth

Many people have dental problems such as tooth discoloration or a chipped or cracked tooth. Such issues can cause you to be overly self-conscious, embarrassed and even pain when chewing. However, there is a procedure known as tooth bonding that can restore your teeth so that you can regain your bite and self-confidence.
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dental floss vr dental tape

Dental Tape vs Dental Floss

Regular dental hygiene helps keep your teeth and gums healthy. Your oral care routine should include using dental floss or dental tape on a daily basis. Either one could be beneficial for keeping your teeth clean.

What Is Dental Tape?

Most people are familiar with dental floss, a thin string used to clean between teeth and under the gums. Dental tape, a flat ribbon of floss, has the same purpose. Because of its shape, some people call it ribbon tape. Dental tape slides between the teeth and fits under the gums to clear away plaque, food debris and other foreign material.

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baby teeth

The Life Circle of Baby Teeth

The day a baby’s first tooth pops through is a momentous occasion. More teeth will come over the next few years. After that, the process starts working in reverse — the baby teeth fall out! If you’re ever been fascinated (or a little perplexed) by that process, now’s the time to learn more about the life cycle of baby teeth.

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what happens in our mouth

What Happens in Our Mouth Through a Day

You might not pay much attention to what goes on in your mouth throughout the day. Even still, it’s a place of busy activity from morning until night. The more you know about what goes on in there, the better equipped you’ll be for keeping your smile sparklingly fresh all day long.

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types of teeth

The 5 Types of Teeth

Did you know that the 32 different teeth in your mouth come in all shapes and sizes? The various tooth types help you to properly eat food, but it’s important to remember that each one has its own maintenance needs. Keep reading to learn all about the different types of teeth and see how you should clean them.

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brushing before or after breakfast

Brushing Your Teeth in The Morning: Should You Brush Your Teeth Before or After Breakfast?

You likely have a morning routine that you follow to the letter. Part of that routine should be brushing your teeth. You may wonder if you should delay brushing your teeth until after you’ve eaten breakfast. Here’s what you need to know about brushing your teeth and whether you should brush before or after you’ve eaten breakfast.

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Natural Home Remedies For Receding Gums

Natural Home Remedies For Receding Gums

One of the most common dental problems is gum recession. Sometimes gum recession occurs due to natural wear and tear that goes along with aging. However, in most cases, gum recession can be prevented.

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