Blogs, Resources and Organic Remedies about Organic Oral Care


Pros and Cons of BioRepair Toothpaste

BioRepair toothpaste uses a formula that aims to remineralize and restore the health of your teeth. It contains hydroxyapatite which is similar to enamel. When the toothpaste is scrubbed against your teeth, the hydroxyapatite clings to them. Because it's similar to enamel and dentin, it can protect the surface of your teeth from damage.

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Homemade Toothpaste vs Organic Toothpaste

Homemade Toothpaste vs Organic Toothpaste

Preserving your oral health is important. Once decay starts to set in, it can be extremely difficult to stop it or reverse it. Part of preventing tooth decay and gum disease is finding a toothpaste that works well for your needs. There are tons of different kinds of toothpaste out there. You may feel tempted to try your own hand at making handmade toothpaste.

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Natural Home Remedies For Receding Gums

Natural Home Remedies For Receding Gums

One of the most common dental problems is gum recession. Sometimes gum recession occurs due to natural wear and tear that goes along with aging. However, in most cases, gum recession can be prevented.

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What Is Bentonite Clay? Top 3 Benefits of Bentonite Clay For Teeth

What Is Bentonite Clay? Top 3 Benefits of Bentonite Clay For Teeth

If you're serious about your oral health, then you've likely heard about bentonite clay. Made from volcanic ash that has come into contact with seawater, bentonite clay has been shown to have absorbing qualities. That makes it a great choice in taking care of your teeth. Here's what you need to know about bentonite clay and its benefits.

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5 Causes of Bad Breath: How to Identify the Problem

5 Causes of Bad Breath: How to Identify the Problem

The idea of someone telling us that we have bad breath is horrifying and humiliating. To ensure your breath is always a pleasant smell to behold, you need to know what causes bad breath to begin with. In so knowing, you can then take the proper precautions and steps to halt bad breath before it can emerge. Here are a few causes of bad breath and how to stop them.

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3 Biodegradable Dental Products That are Environmentally Friendly

3 Biodegradable Dental Products That are Environmentally Friendly

If you're interested in a zero-waste lifestyle, then you need to make sure that the oral hygiene products you're using are, at the very least, biodegradable. Yet it can be confusing to know what biodegradable dental products actually mean. Here's what you need to know about the biodegradable dental products as well as some of our best products that are biodegradable.

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Best Practices for Healthier Gums: How to Strengthen Gums Naturally

Best Practices for Healthier Gums: How to Strengthen Gums Naturally

When you want to protect your gums, the last thing you should use is harsh chemicals. These chemicals can actually weaken your gums and make them more prone to infection. To ensure you're keeping your gums the healthy and safe way, you should use natural ingredients and methods. Here are a few you can utilize to strengthen your gums.

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Is a Vegan Lifestyle Good or Bad for Teeth?

Is a Vegan Lifestyle Good or Bad for Teeth?

There's been a lot of focus on vegan diets and their health benefits as of late. Yet one often-overlooked aspect of health is oral care. Before you start on a vegan diet, you may wonder if the lifestyle is good or bad for your teeth. The answer is somewhere in the middle.

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4 Benefits of Reusable Interdental Brushes

4 Benefits of Reusable Interdental Brushes

While floss remains an effective way to remove food particles and debris from between your teeth, not everyone can use floss effectively. This discomfort in flossing may lead people to give up flossing entirely. Considering how important it is to clean the spaces between your teeth, this is one oral health care technique that shouldn't be ignored. It can, however, be replaced with reusable interdental brushes. Here are a few benefits you can enjoy when you use reusable interdental brushes.

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The Look Of Your Brush May Tell How Well You Are Brushing Your Teeth

The Look Of Your Brush May Tell How Well You Are Brushing Your Teeth

While you're supposed to replace your toothbrush every three months, you're used toothbrush can start to tell you certain things about your brushing habits. Those habits may indicate whether or not you're brushing your teeth properly. Here's what your toothbrush may be telling you about your brushing habits based on the shape of its bristles.

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Is It Possible To Restore Tooth Enamel?

Is It Possible To Restore Tooth Enamel?

One of the scariest things your dentist can tell you is that your tooth enamel is damaged. Once your enamel is damaged, you can quickly fall prey to things like gum disease, cavities, and tooth loss. You may also notice an increase in your sensitivity. Those who experience tooth enamel damage may wonder if it's possible to restore your enamel. Here's everything you need to know about whether or not it's possible to restore your tooth enamel.

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4 Tips To Avoid Cavities Before Damaging Your Teeth

4 Tips To Avoid Cavities Before Damaging Your Teeth

Tooth decay is a serious problem that can have a severe impact on the rest of your life. It's impossible to regrow teeth. Once they have decayed, you can't get another organic set. To avoid having to wear dentures or implants for the rest of your life, your first line of defense should be preventing cavities. Here a few tips on how to prevent cavities in order to avoid tooth decay.

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