The Right Size Of Toothbrush For Your Teeth and Gums
In the world of dental care, size does matter. People frequently use the wrong kind of toothbrush size as well as the incorrect amount of toothpaste. Advertising is typically to blame for this. Before you buy your next toothbrush, make sure that you're getting the one that fits your mouth the best. Here are a few tips to consider.
1. Bigger Toothbrush Doesn't Mean Cleans Better
Some people may believe that if they purchase a large toothbrush, then they'll clean their teeth twice as fast. This isn't necessarily true. While you may be able to cover a wider surface area, the awkward fit may mean that you miss out on cleaning harder to reach areas.
A large toothbrush is difficult to use. It can't sweep into the gaps between your teeth as easily as a smaller toothbrush can. When it comes to cleaning your teeth, you should instead find a length of brush that simply fits your mouth the most comfortably.
When it comes to cleaning your gums, then a larger toothbrush may be acceptable. Gums take up a lot of surface area. They also don't have any gaps that require careful angling with your compostable bamboo toothbrush. Using a wider-head toothbrush is acceptable for brushing your gums.