Blogs, Resources and Organic Remedies about Organic Oral Care / Soothe gums

oregano oil for teeth

Benefits of Oregano Oil for Teeth and Oral Health

What Is Oregano Oil?

Oregano essential oil is derived from the oregano plant. The plant's powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial properties make it a valuable cooking and health product. The ability of oregano essential oil to support oral health has been studied. People who took a fixed combination of essential oregano, rosemary, and thyme essential oil, as well as ginger extract, had better gum health.

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xylitol for teeth

Benefits of Xylitol For Teeth

If you love the taste of sweet things but don’t want to damage your teeth, it’s important to know about xylitol. This special ingredient comes with some unique benefits.

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Gum Diseases That Might Harm Your Overall Health

Gum Diseases That Might Harm Your Overall Health

Your oral health can affect your entire body. To stay in tip-top shape, it’s important to care for your mouth and keep your gums healthy. Be on the lookout for gum disease symptoms and do your best to guard against them. Your whole body will thank you for the effort.

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baking soda

The Benefits of Baking Soda To Oral Health

Baking soda has a ton of uses. That includes using it as part of your dental hygiene routine. Here are a few things you should know about baking soda and how it impacts your oral health.

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Natural Home Remedies For Receding Gums

Natural Home Remedies For Receding Gums

One of the most common dental problems is gum recession. Sometimes gum recession occurs due to natural wear and tear that goes along with aging. However, in most cases, gum recession can be prevented.

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Best Practices for Healthier Gums: How to Strengthen Gums Naturally

Best Practices for Healthier Gums: How to Strengthen Gums Naturally

When you want to protect your gums, the last thing you should use is harsh chemicals. These chemicals can actually weaken your gums and make them more prone to infection. To ensure you're keeping your gums the healthy and safe way, you should use natural ingredients and methods. Here are a few you can utilize to strengthen your gums.

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