Gum Diseases That Might Harm Your Overall Health
Your oral health can affect your entire body. To stay in tip-top shape, it’s important to care for your mouth and keep your gums healthy. Be on the lookout for gum disease symptoms and do your best to guard against them. Your whole body will thank you for the effort.
How Do Gum Diseases Start?
Gum disease can be caused by different factors. One can be digestive imbalances, malabsorptions and food allergies. Two can be Bacteria, it hangs out in plaque that forms on your teeth. Three, mercury fillings, and possibly other heavy metal poisoning that we are not aware of. Four, smoking, certain medical conditions and some medications can contribute to the development of gum disease as well.
Regular brushing and flossing are very important, supported by proper nutrition and supplements.
How Do Gum Diseases Affect Your Health?
It probably won’t surprise you to learn that gum disease can affect your oral health. Your gums may swell, bleed or recede. Also, your teeth could fall out.
It can be more shocking to learn that an infection in your gums can spread throughout your body. Gum disease has been linked with lung and heart conditions. Also, pregnant people with gum disease may be more likely to go into early labor or deliver underweight babies.
Gum Diseases and Linked Health Issues
Gum disease comes in various forms. By learning more about the different conditions, you can take steps to prevent their symptoms and complications.
The first step toward serious gum disease is gingivitis. This condition can make gums swell or bleed. They may take on a dark red appearance. If you have gingivitis, your gums may be sore or sensitive. Also, you may struggle with bad breath. Unfortunately, gingivitis can also cause your gums to recede, which exposes the roots of your teeth.
When people say “gum disease,” they’re usually referring to periodontitis. Left unchecked, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis. With this condition, infections develop between the teeth and the gums. Many of the symptoms overlap with those of gingivitis, but they are typically more severe. Pus in your mouth can be an additional symptom of periodontitis. Eventually, a tooth may fall out, and you may have permanent jawbone or gum loss. The constant inflammation in your mouth can also weaken your immune system so that your body is less able to fight off germs. You might get sick more often.
Gum Recession
Also known as gingival recession, this is when gum tissue disappears. It’s a common side effect of gingivitis and periodontitis, but those aren’t the only causes. Hormones, genetics and aggressive brushing may also contribute. Gum recession can cause infections and tooth loss. If your recession is severe enough, you may need to have surgery.
Periodontal Abscess
An abscess is a bacterial infection within the gums. It’s often a complication of periodontitis, but abscesses can occur even if you don’t have a full-blown case. If you develop a gum abscess, you may notice pain or temperature sensitivity. The infected site may ooze pus, and that can leave an unpleasant taste and odor in your mouth. Gum abscesses can also give you a fever. Serious cases have led to sepsis and even death.
The best way to prevent gum disease is through proper hygiene, including daily brushing and flossing. Using products that contain antibacterial essential oils will help prevent bacteria from spreading. If you notice tender, bleeding or receding gums, you can use our remineralizing toothpaste to lower the irritation / inflammation. Smother some paste on irritated area and leave it for as long as possible. Repeat often, you will notice how fast it will improve. If problem persists, make an appointment with your dentist for diagnosis and treatment.
Other great tips include:
1. A food base vitamin C :
Camu camu berries or any natural vitamin C concentrate. Try one to two teaspoons per day.
2. Properly prepare your grains.
There is a connection between gum disease and grains. Weston price has great info on this.
3. Clean or irrigate the gum pockets:
Use sea water, or sea salt.
4. Vitamins A and D from cod liver oil.