Foods You Should Avoid for Your Oral health During Covid 19
Understanding how Diet Affects Oral Health
There's an old adage that 'You are what you eat.' That sentiment may be truer than people realize. Certain foods that you consume can either have a great impact on your health or a negative one. Because oral health is closely associated with overall health, boosting your oral health is a great way to improve how healthy you are overall. In the time of COVID-19, it's more important than ever to take the necessary steps in ensuring your good health. Here are a few things you should know about diet and oral health.
Certain Diets Can Cause Bad Breath
No one likes the idea that their breath smells. Yet there are some actions that you may be taking that can influence whether or not you have bad breath. Poor breath, or halitosis, has several different causes. The chief among these is poor oral hygiene. If you don't regularly brush or floss your teeth, then bacteria will grow in your mouth and cause bad breath.
Diet can also be blamed. A poor diet can cause bad breath because it's leading to tooth root and decay. It encourages bacteria growth which only increases the odor coming from your mouth. A change in your diet may cure your bad breath.
There are also other causes or influencers that can add to your bad breath. Certain mediations that treat diabetes, depression, sleep disorders, and heart disease can stop saliva flow. Without saliva, bacteria can't be swept away. As a result, bad breath occurs.
How Certain Foods Cause Bad Breath and Tooth Decay
Food can be grouped into a few different categories when it comes to oral health. There are the adhesive kind of foods, the acidic erosion kind of foods, and the detergent kind of foods.
Adhesive foods are cookies, crackers, and other kinds of carbs. They stick to your teeth and are difficult to remove. Because they coat the teeth, it can be difficult to brush or floss them away. As a result, bacteria grow beneath them and bad breath is caused.
Acidic erosion food is items like juices, sodas, and certain fruits. These contain acids that slowly erode the enamel and dentin of your teeth. It allows bacteria to enter the vulnerable parts of your teeth and start to make them rot. Bad breath can easily occur.
Finally, there are the detergent foods. These are mostly fruits and vegetables. When eaten uncooked or after being steamed, they require a lot of chewing. This helps brush off food particles that may be clinging to your teeth.
By adding in more detergent kinds of food, then you may notice that your oral health improves. It also introduces certain vitamins like A, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, and folic acid.
Does Anorexia Affect Oral Health?
Eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia can affect oral health. This is because fasting, or ayuno, can lead to a decrease in saliva production. The bacteria continue to grow and cause bad breath. Bulimia involves throwing up. As stomach acid comes through the mouth, it also erodes their teeth.
Both of these eating disorders can lead to problems like dental sensitivity, gum problems, teeth erosion, and saliva glandular edema.
How Do Weight Loss Diets Affect Oral Health and Bad Breath?
Certain diets can cause bad breath and poor oral health because of the food allowed that you're allowed to eat and the fasting required. Some diets don't promote fruits and vegetables. Yet these are vital in introducing the necessary vitamins that you need to fight off gum disease.
Fasting periods also leads to a decrease in saliva production. Again, this can cause the bacteria to grow and form bad breath.
How You Can Avoid Bad Breath
The easiest way to avoid bad breath is just to implement excellent brushing and flossing habits. In particular, you'll want to brush and floss after you consume a meal along with in the morning and before bed.
Yet one of the most important ways to cut down on bad breath is to be aware of your diet. You'll want to stay away from sugar and amides. These are the kinds of food that cause bacteria growth.
The food that you eat should also boost your immune system to fight bacteria in your mouth. To ensure you're feeding your immune system and not the bacteria, you'll want to stay away from food that is heavy in carbohydrates or is extremely processed. Instead, turn to fresh fruits and vegetables as these contain healthy vitamins and fiber.
You should also stay away from carbonated drinks like sodas as these are high in sugar and can encourage bacteria growth.
Instead, eat food like garlic, radishes, artichokes, and onions that kills bacteria and boosts immunity. Drink water instead of soda. Use natural toothpaste. Finally, focus on consuming healthy snacks like nuts, fruits, and vegetables to promote overall health and oral health.