Blogs, Resources and Organic Remedies about Organic Oral Care / biodegradable floss

dental floss vr dental tape

Dental Tape vs Dental Floss

Regular dental hygiene helps keep your teeth and gums healthy. Your oral care routine should include using dental floss or dental tape on a daily basis. Either one could be beneficial for keeping your teeth clean.

What Is Dental Tape?

Most people are familiar with dental floss, a thin string used to clean between teeth and under the gums. Dental tape, a flat ribbon of floss, has the same purpose. Because of its shape, some people call it ribbon tape. Dental tape slides between the teeth and fits under the gums to clear away plaque, food debris and other foreign material.

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Anti Cavity Diet: Is It Possible To Prevent Cavities by Choosing The Right Food?

Anti Cavity Diet: Is It Possible To Prevent Cavities by Choosing The Right Food?

Cavities are no fun for anyone. They’re painful and unattractive. Getting them filled is an unpleasant activity, too. So what if you could prevent cavities from forming in the first place? The right diet may help you maintain strong, healthy teeth for years to come.

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