7 Plants For Your Eco-Friendly Garden
Gardening is one of the most natural, healthy hobbies. It allows you to get some physical activity, fresh air and sun and lets you grow beautiful plants you can enjoy for years to come. Best of all, you can grow an incredible eco-friendly garden by using a variety of plants.

8 Easy Steps to Make Your Home Eco-Friendly
Everyone should want to do their part to help preserve the environment. No matter what your situation, there are plenty of ways you can contribute. You don’t even have to make big changes in your everyday life. Here are some of the eight best ways to make your home eco-friendly.

How To Compost at Home? 5 Composting Tips
Composting provides a way to dispose of your waste without harming the environment. When you compost, your garbage stays out of landfills and instead helps create earth-friendly organic material.