Let's sing out loud our favorite song today and help raise the good vibes of the earth !
This day has been celebrated every year on the third Saturday of October since 2012 and its goal is that all people around the world sing together to promote unity and harmony throughout the performance of the same experience.
In addition to celebrate the union on this specific day, singing brings with it many benefits, we all should do it more often !
On the chemical level, singing generates changes in the levels of many hormones and neurotransmitters like:
- It raises the endorphin levels which generates an antidepressant effect.
- It lowers the cortisol levels which means less stress.
- It produces more oxytocin, called the love hormone.
- Releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter that produce a wellbeing sensation in response to certain stimuli.
On the physical level or talking about health, singing also has many benefits:
- Boost the immune system.
- It’s an excellent long workout.
- Improves posture.
- Improves the neuronal function and the attention skills.
- Strengthens palate, tongue and throat.
- Scientific research has shown that older people that participates in chores fell less, had stronger legs and a breathed better.
On another lever, music also affects vibrations, It can raise or lower them. This has to do with the type of energy that we emanate depending on how we feel with the sounds, the lyrics of the songs and the aim of the song.
It doesn’t matter if you do it good or bad, singing alone or with others creates strong connections, heartbeats are connected, make us feel good and improves our heath overall. Let's sing out loud our favorite song today and help raise the good vibes of the earth !