How Does Bamboo Floss Affect The Environment?
The Impact Floss Has on the Environment
Those who are attempting to turn their bathroom and household into something that is greener and more eco-friendly likely don't think much about their floss. Yet they should. Typical floss uses a plastic container that stores the floss. As for the floss, itself, it's often made of nylon which is another material that isn't biodegradable. When wanting to transform your lifestyle into something that is greener, then you need to fill your bathroom with bamboo floss. Here's what you need to know about how it impacts the environment when compared to traditional floss.
What Happens to Traditional Floss?
When you use floss, you likely throw it away in the trash. Because it's so thin, however, floss doesn't always make it to the landfill. Instead, it ends up being dumped or sorted into pollutants that make their way into the ocean. We know that the ocean is choked full of plastic.
This plastic is destroying barrier reefs and killing sea animals. Floss is a part of that. It can easily wrap around the fins of an animal or even be swallowed by them and cause them to suffocate.
The plastic containers will likely make it into the landfill. However, because they're made of plastic, they won't start to degrade for several decades, if not centuries. Imagine how many plastic containers you go through in a year. Then imagine that number multiplied by the millions of people who floss their teeth.
Landfills are just as chocked full of floss containers as the ocean is of plastic.
What Happens to Bamboo Floss?

Bamboo floss, on the other hand, is biodegradable. Although it retains the same strength and flexibility as nylon, its disposal is a lot better. Because it's biodegradable, the floss eventually decays into the soil. It takes far less time than plastic. Even if it ends up in the ocean, it will degrade before it causes anyone harm. It also won't be stuck floating around like other strings of floss for years on end.
Because bamboo floss is typically made with green living in mind, their containers are also biodegradable. When you toss it into the trash, you don't have to worry about the containers filling up landfills and oceans. They'll degrade harmlessly into the soil just like the actual floss.
The Production of Bamboo Floss is Healthier
When comparing how the two types of floss are made, bamboo floss is clearly the winner. Traditional floss is often waxed and flavored. To achieve that, manufacturers use PFCs. While scientists are still studying the use of PFCs in household products, including clothes, some of the results they've found have been worrying. The last thing you want to do is scrub a PFC-rich product inside of your vulnerable mouth.
Bamboo floss, on the other hand, is made of PLA and charcoal. Both of these are naturally occurring or come from natural ingredients. They're effective in cleaning your teeth and, even more importantly, they're safe. Using PLA and charcoal hasn’t been linked to any health problems.
Nor does it impact the environment in any way during its production.
Since traditional floss uses plastic, you can be sure its manufacturing is just as problematic as the product itself. It
Practice Green Oral Habits Today
Using traditional floss may not seem like a terrible thing. It's just a small strand of plastic and nylon. However, over the course of your life, you're going to use lots. Worse, everything you have used is likely still in the landfill after a hundred years. Make the switch and use an environmentally-friendly bamboo floss.